What custom color options do you provide?
The sky is the limit! Choose any color you have your heart set on and send us a paint chip or color swatch so we can match it and make your personalized ClamDoor in our durable gel coat!

Grabbing a color swatch from a hardware store is the best option. It is clear and leaves no chance of picking up other colors

This works because the majority of the stick is fully covered in the paint they want to match.

There cannot be any of the base layer showing through the paint. This will make it difficult to match properly
Can you stand on the lid?
Yes! The ClamDoor is extremely durable and has been tested to withstand 700 pounds in the center of the lid before showing any signs of weight stress.
Is there someone in my area that can intsall my ClamDoor?
Some of our listed dealers do provide installation. Their contact information is listed on our “Locations” page of our website. If you are not in one of our dealer locations this is not a problem! The ClamDoor arrives at your house fully assembled and ready to go. A general contractor may have some questions but no problems installing the ClamDoor with no previous experience. We provide written instructions (with a list of recommended materials) as well as a short demonstrational video for your/their convenience!
How do I clean it?
In order to keep your ClamDoor looking good as new you can wash it with water and a soft rag and then wax it to bring out the shine with any brand of BOAT wax (for example: 3M Marine Ultra or Meguiars Flagship) DO NOT use any petroleum cleaners as this will start to discolor the gel coat finish.
Do you have any other sizes?
At this point in time we provide the two sizes listed on the website. As we grow as a company, so will our door size options.
Condensation under the lid
Condensation occurs when there is moisture in your basement and it has no where to escape to because the ClamDoor is so weather tight! Here are a few ways to help draw that moisture out of your basement:
- If you have a door at the bottom of the stairs below the ClamDoor, open that up to get some air flow.
- Put a dehumidifier near the stairs.
- Moisture Absorbers (Damp Rid, Unibond, StarBrite, etc.) These come in buckets or hanging bags, either will work
My ClamDoor gets frozen shut
This only happens around Fall and Spring when the nights are a lot colder than the days. To prevent the lid from freezing to the base over night, making it extremely difficult to open the ClamDoor, spray the smallest amount of Pam’s cooking spray along the lid where the black weather stripping is. This will not damage any components of the ClamDoor and it will prevent any sticking!